- Faculté
- Formation
- L1 Sciences pour la santé
- 6ème année de Pharmacie
- Internat et DES
- Thèse d'exercice
- DEUST Préparateur - technicien en pharmacie
- LP Industries pharmaceutiques, cosmétologiques et de santé
- Masters
- Master Sciences du Médicament et des Produits de Santé
- Analyse du médicament (AM)
- Assurance qualité microbiologie des procédés aseptiques et non stériles des produits de santé (AQM)
- Ingénierie pharmaceutique (IP)
- Recherche, développement et innovations thérapeutiques (RDIT)
- Réglementation et droit pharmaceutique (RDP)
- Développement pharmaceutique : de la molécule au médicament (DPMM) (SFC)
- Master Biotechnologies
- Master Sciences du Médicament et des Produits de Santé
- Diplômes universitaires
- Apprentissage
- Offre de formation 2025-2026
- Scolarité
- Recherche
- Unités de recherche
- CBST - UMR 7199
- UMR 7021
- Plateforme de chimie biologique intégrative de Strasbourg | PCBIS
- Departments
- Target library
- Screening Department
- Quantification of cytokine secretion by mononuclear cells
- Nitric oxide secretion assay by murine macrophages
- Determination of histamine secretion by human mast cells
- Detection of kinase activity
- Measurement of macromolecules interactions by AlphaScreen (PERKIN ELMER)
- Search for interaction between a soluble protein and a ligand by fluorescence polarization measurement
- Measurement of molecular interactions using Epic Label Free technology
- Measurement of receptor-ligand binding by FRET
- Measurement of receptor-ligand binding by HTRF
- Measurement of receptor-ligand binding in whole cells without labeling
- Intracellular IP1 measurement
- Intracellular calcium flux measurement
- Intracellular cAMP measurement
- Monitoring the growth of a bacterial strain
- Monitoring cell line growth
- Monitoring the growth of single spheroids
- Evaluation of the cytotoxic effects of a compound on cell lines
- Evaluation of the cytotoxic effects of compounds on single spheroids
- Detection of cell apoptosis
- Scratch Wound Healing assay
- Evaluation of the angiogenesis process by endothelial cells
- Monitoring the efficiency of a transfection
- Evaluation of the absorption of a compound through the intestinal barrier
- Evaluation of the effect of compounds on the integrity of the intestinal barrier
- Particle size measurement by Dynamic Light Scattering in 384-microplate
- Microfluidics
- ADME-Tox
- Log D (shake flask)
- Metabolic stability on hepatocytes
- Permeability (PAMPA)
- pKa
- Kinetic solubility
- Thermodynamic solubility
- Formulation study
- Log D (CHI)
- Chemical stability
- Blood partitioning
- Plasma protein binding
- Hemolysis
- Plasma stability
- Metabolite identification
- Cytochrome P450 inhibition
- Cytochrome P450 induction
- Metabolic stability
- In vivo studies
- Chemical libraries - Medicinal chemistry
- Expertise / Services
- Quality
- Use an equipement
- Departments
- Plateformes techniques
- Doctorants et Post Doctorants
- Unités de recherche
- Entreprises / Professionnels
- International
- Annuaire
- Contact et plan d'accès
- ErNeST (ENT)
- Actualités
- Agenda
- Flux RSS
- Sitemap
- Legal notice
- Credits