Project in environment of the bioproduction factory

Project in environment of the bioproduction factory
Master BiotechnologiesParcours Biomédicaments : conception et production (BCP)


The main goal of these practicals is to involve students in a global project dealing with the bioproduction of proteins for biotechnological applications. Using a eukaryotic microorganism as a model for protein production at different scales, including at the industrial level, this is an opportunity to sensitize them to some bioproduction concepts and strategies, and to make them operate dedicated instruments (controllable bioreactors) in an industrial-like environment (EASE Training Center). In a relatively free and semi-guided organizational format, students are asked to elaborate and apply relevant schemes for the production of a selected recombinant protein (antibody fragment, secreted enzyme, integral membrane protein or viral protein) at various scales (flasks and bioreactors). In a second step, applying the technical know-how they got from previous courses, they have to purify and evaluate with an adapted assay the quality and quantity of the produced material. Eventually they have to set up and present a global report on their bioproduction project.

Compétences requises

  • Familiarize the students with the handling of controllable bioreactors and associated concepts and technical issues.
  • Learn how to manipulate the eukaryotic micro-organism Pichia pastoris, one of the most important production systems for heterologous proteins in biotechnology
  • Learn how to work using GMP (Good Manufacturing Process) conditions in a semi-industrial environment
  • Learn how to work in class C and class D clean rooms, including dressing procedure, and specific procedures to prevent from generating particles

Compétences visées

Les étudiant·e·s apprennent à rédiger des procédures (SOP) dans des contraintes BPF.

Ils/elles sont formé·e·s au travail en salle blanche, comprenant l’habillage, la production, et le bionettoyage.


Bibliography, course materials :

Preparation of Recombinant Membrane Proteins from Pichia pastoris for Molecular Investigations. Lucile Guyot, Lucie Hartmann, Sarah Mohammed-Bouteben, Lydia Caro, and Renaud Wagner, Current Protocols 2020
