Bienvenue à la faculté de pharmacie de Strasbourg

Elle est l’une des 24 facultés de pharmacie de France qui a pour mission l’enseignement, la recherche et l’insertion professionnelle dans les secteurs pharmaceutiques. Son objectif principal est la formation des futurs professionnels du médicament et acteurs de santé, les pharmaciens.

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Pawel Jablonski - 2021

- Stökl Ben Ezra, D., Lapin, H., Lolli, E. Jablonski, P.  "Ofer Mahir : Opening Up Rabbinic Manuscripts Towards Scholarly Editions", DHJewish conference at the University of Luxembourg, 11-14 Jan, 2021.

- Stökl Ben Ezra, D., Brown-DeVost, B., Jablonski, P., Kiessling, B., Lolli, E., Lapin, H. “BiblIA – a General Model for Medieval Hebrew Manuscripts and an Open Annotated Dataset”, HIP@ICDAR 2021.

- Stökl Ben Ezra D., B. Brown-DeVost, P. Jablonski, "Exploiting Insertion Symbols for Marginal Additions in the Recognition Process to Establish Reading Order. Document Analysis and Recognition", ICDAR 2021 Workshops. ICDAR 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12917. Springer, Cham.


Pawel Jablonski - 2021

- Stökl Ben Ezra, D., Lapin, H., Lolli, E. Jablonski, P.  "Ofer Mahir : Opening Up Rabbinic Manuscripts Towards Scholarly Editions", DHJewish conference at the University of Luxembourg, 11-14 Jan, 2021.

- Stökl Ben Ezra, D., Brown-DeVost, B., Jablonski, P., Kiessling, B., Lolli, E., Lapin, H. “BiblIA – a General Model for Medieval Hebrew Manuscripts and an Open Annotated Dataset”, HIP@ICDAR 2021.

- Stökl Ben Ezra D., B. Brown-DeVost, P. Jablonski, "Exploiting Insertion Symbols for Marginal Additions in the Recognition Process to Establish Reading Order. Document Analysis and Recognition", ICDAR 2021 Workshops. ICDAR 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12917. Springer, Cham.

Pawel Jablonski - 2021

- Stökl Ben Ezra, D., Lapin, H., Lolli, E. Jablonski, P.  "Ofer Mahir : Opening Up Rabbinic Manuscripts Towards Scholarly Editions", DHJewish conference at the University of Luxembourg, 11-14 Jan, 2021.

- Stökl Ben Ezra, D., Brown-DeVost, B., Jablonski, P., Kiessling, B., Lolli, E., Lapin, H. “BiblIA – a General Model for Medieval Hebrew Manuscripts and an Open Annotated Dataset”, HIP@ICDAR 2021.

- Stökl Ben Ezra D., B. Brown-DeVost, P. Jablonski, "Exploiting Insertion Symbols for Marginal Additions in the Recognition Process to Establish Reading Order. Document Analysis and Recognition", ICDAR 2021 Workshops. ICDAR 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12917. Springer, Cham.