Project New Business
Master BiotechnologiesParcours Biomédicaments : conception et production (BCP)


This training is based on an "active" pedagogical approach (learning by doing) and the deepening of the knowledge on the world of the company and its management. Students have specialized courses and seminars and due diligence sessions. The aim is the design of a scientific project that can be used to set up a new company. Produce a realistic and credible business plan for the target market making a careful study on the different aspects of the creation of a company (law, insurance, management, financing, etc.).

Compétences visées

  • Acquisition des outils intellectuels et conceptuels pour la création d'une entreprise en biotechnologies
  • Permettre à chacun d’atteindre la capacité de traiter un projet dans le domaine des biotechnologies, de l’idée originelle à sa concrétisation.


Responsable(s) de l'enseignement